Spectra engıneerıng
Offer a wide range of technical and professional services relating to seismic and acoustic engineering, noise and vibration solutions.
What we offer
Architectural Acoustic Design and Consultancy
Noise and Vibration Control
Non-Structural Seismic and Wind Restraint Design and Consultancy
Equipment Seismic Approvals for Manufacturers
About Us
The SPECTRA ENGINEERING SERVICES specialises in providing professional and technical services in the fields of noise, vibration, seismic and acoustic engineering. As an expert acoustic / vibration / seismic partner, SPECTRA ENGINEERING SERVICES works in partnerships with architects, building contractors, building owners, property managers and industrial companies to provide them with design, assessment and insulation services related to their noise, vibration, and seismic requirements of their structural, mechanical and physical environment projects. The formal business launch and establishment of SPECTRA ENGINEERING SERVICES in the United Kingdom is being lead by the Company’s founder and principal consultant, Okan Sever
Our Servıces
Browse Our Services
In the specialised area of noise, the Company contracts with building designers, contracting firms, and land owners, to investigate, mitigate and solve everyday and complex problems related to noise and sound. From solving noise problems in condos among neighbours or to reducing noise interference in neighbourhoods
The Company works with industrial and manufacturing companies to assist in them in solving problems related to vibration. Vibration in buildings, structures, plants, equipment, and transportation structures can led to many problems and can ultimately effect the value and performance of infrastructure and capital assets
SPECTRA ENGINEERING SERVICES offers services related to seismic control and engineering. This highly specialized engineering field is an integral component of negating and minimizing the impacts and risks of earthquakes and other geological activity such as explosions on buildings and structures.